Star wars battlefront 2 private matches
Star wars battlefront 2 private matches

star wars battlefront 2 private matches

That’s how much I wanted to play this game.

star wars battlefront 2 private matches star wars battlefront 2 private matches

I was ready to preorder the not yet announced bundle. I had to play it and I had to be sure I would get a copy. There was/is absolutely no reason to preorder this game. There are some early access bonuses but it’s stuff that all players will eventually have access to in the opening months free of extra charge. This is a game that didn’t and still hasn’t offered any special content for preordering. But Star Wars: Battlefront was different. Why did I think Thief was going to be a good game? Preordered the special edition. Without that I would never consider preordering a game ever again and wouldn’t have preordered any of the ones I have before. The sad part is that the only reason I ever get sucked into preorders is because of the “special” DLC bonus content they use to corner you in. I still hate myself for ever buying that game. My last preorder was Destiny and we all know how that goes. Even God of War: Ascension, which is one of my favorite franchises of all time, completely disappointed me, and if I could go back and not preorder it, I would. In fact, I’ve sworn off preorders multiple times because every single preorder I’ve ever gotten with the exception of Mass Effect 3 Collector’s Edition has been an overwhelming disappointment for me. You have to understand my situation to truly appreciate how serious this moment was for me. But once I saw that E3 gameplay footage I was sold. After hearing about some of the various characters you could play as and the supposed differences from Battlefield, I was intrigued. After hearing that the game let you choose between first and third person perspective like the originals, I was curious. To my surprise, by the end of E3 (2015) I was ready to preorder. I assumed it would be yet another crappy traditional FPS clone and added it to the “games I won’t ever be buying” pile. When I first heard that a new Battlefront was being made I immediately brushed it off.

star wars battlefront 2 private matches

But I was ready to play the upcoming Star Wars: Battlefront by EA/DICE. And in the long run I believe that my choice to not play those types of games has been the right one for a number of reasons. To me they just looked like any other shooter with a Star Wars coat of paint. It’s for that reason that I didn’t play the first two Battlefront games. Of those three franchises combined I have only owned one of the games and that was HALO 2 which I honestly bought because of the sword. The reason is that I make it a point not to play commonplace shooters and clones like COD, Battlefield, or HALO. And that’s as a committed Star Wars fanboy. I own but didn’t play Star Wars: Battlefront II. I didn’t play the original Star War: Battlefront.

Star wars battlefront 2 private matches